1·Even the Mac, once written off as an expensive toy for a niche audience, is staging a roaring comeback.
2·Your website will probably appeal to more visitors than you imagine. Avoid falling into the trap of over-focusing on your niche audience.
3·I guess when consoles started becoming more popular, it was speculated that it would be better for their niche audience to be prepubescent boys.
4·Slivercasing, or narrowcasting, is the transmission of video programming to a niche audience, often through relatively inexpensive means like streaming video over high-speed connections.
5·But these alterations, marked by “saturation” coverage, are often temporary and aimed at capturing the niche rather than the national audience.
6·The more unique and focused your niche, the better, it means less people are competing for your audience.
7·By strategically creating content and connecting your niche topic or product (Yoga) to multiple audience profiles.
8·Web publications serve every conceivable audience, from the mass market to obscure niche groups.